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Bishop Briggs-Mercy极限特工插曲钢琴谱歌词

时间:2017-07-15 18:37来源:网络整理 作者:hanmaici.com 点击:
爱谱网(www.52qupu.com)免费为您提供《Mercy》曲谱,属于钢琴曲谱,由Bishop Briggs演唱(奏),本站同时还提供《Mercy》介绍以及《Mercy》歌词。

P1:Bishop BriggsMercy极限特工插曲钢琴谱歌词1

Bishop BriggsMercy极限特工插曲钢琴谱歌词1

P2:Bishop BriggsMercy极限特工插曲钢琴谱歌词2

Bishop BriggsMercy极限特工插曲钢琴谱歌词2


You lay me down on a bed of nails 你将我置身钉床上 Just to pierce a thousand veins 钉子刺穿我上千的血管 Hands so numb didn't feel the shame 双手太过麻木感受不到羞愧 Lonely souls they love the pain 孤独的灵魂沉溺痛苦 So let it run, let it all fall away 放它去吧 随它消逝 You don't give a damn if I leave or I stay 我的离开与否你根本不在乎 Have mercy 仁慈些吧 Darling have mercy 亲爱的要仁慈些 Have mercy 仁慈些 Cause I ain't strong 我并不强大 Have mercy 仁慈些吧 When the love's gone 当爱已远去 Oh, when the love's gone, when the love's gone 当爱已逝去 Have mercy, oh, have mercy 仁慈些吧 When the love's gone 当爱已远去 The fall out know it never clear 破裂的结局并不清晰 Messiah for a hundred years 救世主存在的一百年 Swing me low, darling, drag me down 让我摇摆沉溺 将我击倒 Draw my blood with a stolen crown 用偷来的皇冠吸取我的鲜血 And let it run, let it all fall away 就让一切顺其自然 You don't give a damn if I leave or I stay 我的去留与否你丝毫不在意 Have mercy 仁慈些吧 Darling have mercy 亲爱的怜悯我 Have mercy 仁慈些 Cause I ain't strong 我并非强大 Have mercy 仁慈些吧 When the love's gone 当爱已远去 Oh, when the love's gone, when the love's gone 当爱已逝去 Have mercy, oh have mercy 求求你仁慈些吧 And let me run, let my heart get away 让我逃离这里 让我心碎离开 You don't give a damn if I leave or I stay 你并不在意我的去留 Have mercy 仁慈些吧 Darling have mercy 亲爱的仁慈些吧 Oh, have mercy 怜悯我吧 Cause I ain't strong 因为我并不强大 Darling, have mercy, when the love's gone 亲爱的仁慈些吧 当爱已经远去 Oh, when the love's gone, when the love's gone 当爱已逝去 Have mercy, oh, have mercy 仁慈些吧 When the love's gone 当爱已逝去, (责任编辑:www.hanmaici.com)