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glassy sky钢琴谱(动漫《东京喰种》OST)

时间:2017-07-16 04:36来源:网络整理 作者:hanmaici.com 点击:
爱谱网(www.52qupu.com)免费为您提供《glassy sky》曲谱,属于钢琴曲谱,本站同时还提供《glassy sky》介绍以及《glassy sky》歌词。

P1:东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱1

东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱1

P2:东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱2

东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱2

P3:东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱3

东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱3

P4:东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱4

东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱4

P5:东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱5

东京喰种glassy sky钢琴谱5

《glassy sky》歌词

《glassy sky》歌词
How many days have passed like this 还要历经多少个这样的日子 This city's recovers fading moving on 这座城早已褪去往日的辉煌 I sometimes have wondered where you've gone 有时不禁好奇你会置身何处 Story carries on, only lost inside 悲剧仍在上演 只得心碎其间 I've had this dream so many times 太多次的梦 却只是幻想的泡沫 The moments we've spent have passed and gone away 曾共度的美好 却似那过眼云烟 Could there be an end to this 悲伤终会告一段落吗 What I am feeling deep inside 一颗心早已沦陷 You know there's no looking back 你明白覆水难收 Glassy sky above 举目仰望 只见玻璃天际 As long as I'm alive 请相信 只要我尚存一丝气息 You will be part of me 你便是我永生难忘的梦 Glassy sky the cold 玻璃天际 孤寒难耐 The broken pieces of me 像是心碎不已的我 The misstress I'll be I recall 多想唤回记忆中的自己 Some lived the true would change the way reform 似乎只有活在现实中的人才能重新来过 I didn't want hurt you hope you know 多不想伤害你 愿你能懂 Empty promise says 诉说着空洞的承诺 Share it dreams of love 共享着这飘渺的爱 Sometimes I wonder what's beyond 有时不禁好奇 天际之外会是什么 I try many times to make you up to you 耗尽全力只为你仍是原来的你 Can somebody tell me what to do 有谁能教教我该怎么做 In fact would meant to be that's no going back 而现实告诉我们 再无可能改变 Times has ready come 这一刻终难避免 Sun is gone and no more shadows 黑夜降临 不再有灰暗阴霾 Can't give up 不能就此放弃 I know and this life go sun I'll be strong 我清楚这性命即将走向终结 我仍选择坚强面对 I'll be strong to last see the end 笑着面对最后的结局 Glassy sky above 举目仰望 只见玻璃天际 As long as I survive you will be part of me 请相信 只要我一息尚存 你便是我永生难忘的梦 Glassy sky the cold 玻璃天际 孤寒难耐 The broken pieces of me 像是心碎不已的我 Glassy sky above 举目仰望 只见玻璃天际 Covers over me 将我笼罩 Over me 将我吞噬 (责任编辑:www.hanmaici.com)